April 24, 2023 Student, Parents/Guardians, This letter is regarding summer school. Summer school provides an opportunity for your student to recover core credits; helping them to get back on track for graduation. To help with academic support, certified teachers will be available for math and language arts during summer to assist students. If you would like a transcript to view current credits, GPA, and course grades please contact the counseling office, we would be happy to provide that for you. Courses a student does not pass 4th quarter will also be added as needed. Please see your student's counselor for any questions. Summer School / Schedule: June 5 - June 29, 2023 Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 12:00pm Cost: $25.00 Details: Summer school fee can be paid at UHS in the finance office or through dcsd.schoolcashonline.com. Required before classes will be available for recovery. Students are required to complete credits at the school. Please talk with your counselor if you are not able to attend summer school in person. There are no computers available to rent or borrow from the school. All tests and exams must be completed at the school. Students may earn elective credits by attending School Based Outreach classes during summer school. Please indicate on the sign-up if you are interested in this elective credit. A schedule of topics and activities is provided. See School Outreach form. To be on track for graduation, students should currently have the the following number of earned credits by the end of 3rd quarter: 9th grade: 6.75 10th grade: 15.75 11th grade: 24.75 To sign up for summer school please fill out the following form @ https://forms.gle/V57nUHuBDdSyukDj7 or scan QR code. If unable to fill out the form, please email your counselor to sign up.
almost 2 years ago, Tom Felkins
QR code
Teachers can now register for The STEM Action Center + Derivita Professional Learning Regional Summer Sessions coming up in July and August! During these sessions teachers will have the opportunity to meet with a Derivita expert to learn how to best utilize the Derivita platform in their daily classroom. Participating teachers will receive a $50 stipend for attending an in-person training. Re-licensure credit may also be available with district/ LEA approval. If your teachers are interested in registering for the STEM Action Center + Derivita Professional Learning Regional Summer Sessions, please have them sign up with the Google Form below: https://forms.gle/c7kH9Xh4fbWGqjcN6
almost 2 years ago, James Sasser
Stem Action Center Derivita Summer Session
DCSD School Bell Schedules Last Day of School 2022-23
almost 2 years ago, James Sasser
This is a list of the bell schedules for each school on 5/26/2023.
Duchesne County School District is announcing the beginning of this year's summer lunch program.
almost 2 years ago, James Sasser
English Version of the Sumer Lunch Flyher
Spanish Version of the Summer Lunch Flyer
Summer Lunch Flyers
Support our Union High Track team as they go to State and BYU this upcoming Friday and Saturday! Go Team UC!
almost 2 years ago, Jesse Fieldsted
Senior sluff day. Woo hoo!
almost 2 years ago, Union High School
Come watch today's state baseball playoff game at 3:30 PM.
almost 2 years ago, David Green
Excited for all our state athletic tournaments. Check out UHSAA.org for info on tournaments.
almost 2 years ago, Union High School
We will be coming around and visiting schools to allow you to visit about this program. Here is a list of dates and locations. High school paraprofessionals choose the one closest to you. 4/21: 9:00 am DES 10:30 am AES 4/28: 9:00 am CES 10:00 am EES 11:00 am KPES
almost 2 years ago, James Sasser
Flyer about USU stackable program for paraprofessional.
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeIp0PR07yLktMAVmUh1mzkKGNGxEvvt4UA_CaIXbKu70Ne1g/viewform?usp=sf_link Sign up your child for a fun and exciting opportunity to improve their math skills.
about 2 years ago, James Sasser
Feel free to help us celebrate February Love the Bus Month. Love the Bus Month is celebrated every February & is dedicated to influence the school bus in American school culture. Show bus drivers appreciation.
about 2 years ago, James Sasser
February Love The Bus Month