Notice of Safety to Union High Community, Last night a teacher at UHS received an email from what is believed to be a frustrated student. In the email, threats were made. School leaders and police took immediate action, located the student, and confirmed that there was nothing to the threat at all. Police have given the go-ahead to hold school today because the threat was NOT CREDIBLE. Out of an abundance of caution, police have completed a sweep of the school and will continue to have a strong presence throughout the day. The safety of our staff and students continues to be a top priority.
about 1 month ago, Union High School
Sterling Scholar 2025
3 days ago, UHS
Duchesne County School District Sterling Scholars March 6, 2025: DCSD held its annual Sterling Scholars Banquet. We want to congratulate these great students and wish them luck in the upcoming state competition.
6 days ago, James Sasser
District Sterling Scholar Students
UHS Sterling Scholars
Tabiona Sterling Scholars
Duchense Sterking Scholars
Altamont Sterling Scholars
Duchesne County School District Sterling Scholars March 6, 2025: DCSD held its annual Sterling Scholars Banquet. We want to congratulate these great students. We also wish them good luck in the upcoming state competition. Go to this Sway
6 days ago, James Sasser
Sterling Scholar Banquet
Pictures of students from DHS, THS, & UHS
District whole group
UBTech’s Junior Senior Parent Night at the Roosevelt UBTech Campus is March 18th from 6-8pm. We have scholarships for you! Learn about earning college credit and technical certificates. Talk with instructors, and enjoy appetizers by Culinary Arts, t-shirts and prizes!
10 days ago, James Sasser
Parent Night
“You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child." Dr. Seuss
13 days ago, James Sasser
Dr. Seuss
Duchesne County School District has been notified of a single case of mumps identified at Union High School. The infection window for this case has passed so no immediate danger of exposure from this single case currently exists. The school will send out a separate notification to families whose child we reasonably believe was in close proximity during the contagious window. If you have any questions or concerns, we recommend contacting TriCounty Health or your family physician. TriCounty Health #435-247-1197
14 days ago, Jesse Fieldsted
Attention Parents and Staff
Reminder...Parent teacher Conference is tomorrow February 19 at 5:00pm here at Union High School. Please join us.
23 days ago, Union High School
Parent Teacher Conference 2/19/2025 @ 5pm.
Give your child a better future.
27 days ago, James Sasser
Reading to your child will change their life
Our Boys Basketball team will be hosting the Grantsville Cowboys this Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Tickets will need to be purchased online. Purchase tickets ahead of time so you won't need to wait in the line. The doors will open at 12:15 p.m. on Saturday! Come support our Union Basketball Team Thanks again and Go Cougars!
29 days ago, Jesse Fieldsted
Go Cougars
Union high school will be hosting Parent Teacher Conference next Wednesday the 19th of February 2025 at 5:00pm till 8:00pm. Come join us!
29 days ago, Union High School
Parent Teacher Conference 2/19/2025
Community council is now scheduled for next Monday, February 10, 2025, at 3:30 pm in the Front office conference room.
about 1 month ago, Union High School
Community Council meeting
Why you should read to your baby.
about 1 month ago, James Sasser
Why reading to babies really matters
Tonight's Teacher vs Teacher basketball game against Uintah is canceled. Sorry for the inconvenience.
about 1 month ago, Union High School
Congratulations to RIVER WHITE for receiving an award at the State Art Show! This is very competitive and we are proud to have a winner from Union! There will be an awards assembly at the Springville Art Museum on Feb.1st.
about 1 month ago, UHS
We completed a successful lockdown drill today. Classes have resumed as normal. Thank you to everyone.
about 1 month ago, Union High School
UHS lockdown drill
Union vs. Uintah Faculty Basketball game, Thursday 1/30/25 @ 5:30 pm. This is a charity game for MAKE A WISH UTAH.
about 2 months ago, Union High School
Teacher vs. Teacher
Union High School will be conducting a LOCKDOWN DRILL tomorrow 1/28/25. This is only a DRILL. UHS Admin.
about 2 months ago, Union High School
Lockdown Drill 1/28/25
Have you ever compared a book to a movie? Imagine the fun you could have doing it with your child.
about 2 months ago, James Sasser
Read a book, then watch the movie
If you and your child read one book a day together, how many books will you have enjoyed by 5th grade?
2 months ago, James Sasser
How many books you can read to your child.