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“Good character is more to be praised than outstanding talent. Most talents are, to some extent, a gift. Good character, by contrast, is not given to us. We have to build it, piece by piece—by thought, by choice, courage, and determination.”
--Anonymous quote that Union Football Coach Matt Labrum required his players to memorize.
During the 2013-14 football season, our student athletes were able to learn valuable life lessons on personal responsibility, service, value, and the true meaning of power. They learned there is something bigger and more important than themselves and the football game they love. Coach Matt Labrum and his coaching staff received national media attention because they helped our students realize what true character is and how students have the power and opportunity to make a positive difference in their school and community as they display humility, gratitude, respect, courage, honor, and overall good character. In order to capitalize on this event, school administration, along with L&L Motors, and several other community partners, developed and implemented the UHS enCOURAGE CAREcter program.
“Character is doing what you say you will do, after the emotion of the decision has passed.”
--Local business owner, Travis Peatross.
"Character is what you do with the shopping cart when you're the only one in the parking lot."
--Coach Jeff Hanke
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
"Character is a learned behavior and is habit forming--a pattern of speaking, thinking, and acting."
"You are not born with character. You can't buy character or change your character by what you wear."
"The choices you make build your character."